200 16 Colors 201 256 Colors 202 Hi Color 203 True Color 1000 HyperStudio Player 1001 HyperStudio Player 1002 HS_Bkgrnd 1005 HS_Nothing 1006 HS_Image 1007 HS_Fatbits 1008 HS_Tools 1009 HS_Colors 1010 HS_Splash 1011 HS_Ftools 1012 HS_Fcolors 1025 Registered to: 1026 Registration #: 1027 Copyright Roger Wagner Publishing, Inc. 1993-97 All Rights Reserved 1028 Version 1037 Ministry of Education and Training of Ontario, Canada; Licensee 2025 Print... Ctrl+P 2026 Print Text... Ctrl+P 2027 STK 2030 Arrive at card action 2031 Leave card action 2032 Click on card action 2033 Arrive at stack action 2034 Leave stack action 2035 Click on stack action 2101 New Button 2104 Choose the background color: 2105 Choose the eraser color: 2106 Button 2107 Text Field 2108 Graphic 2109 No Click 2110 Transparent 2111 Draggable 2113 2114 Drop 2115 Keep background on 'New Card' 2116 Add new cards to group 2117 Replace 2118 Exchange 2119 HyperStudio Sample Text 2120 invisible 2121 Select a color: 2122 Working on File: 2123 Working on Frame 2124 Play 2125 Freeze 2126 One moment, getting best colorsÉ 2127 None 2140 Current card size~0 2141 Standard card size~512~342 2142 Full screen size~1 2143 640 x 480~640~480 2144 1024 x 768~1024~768 2145 1280 x 1024~1280~1024 2150 the stack 2151 a separate file 2201 24No match found.~^OK 2202 34Please give this sound a name.~^OK 2203 34Use the pencil to draw the boundaries of the button.~^OK 2204 54Point and click inside the graphic associated with the button (this may take a minute).~^OK 2205 04Use the lasso to encircle the graphic associated with the button.~^OK 2206 44The button you defined was too small.~Try Again~Cancel 2207 44Your button's shape has been defined.~^OK~Try Again 2208 54This NBA requires parameters.\nPlease enter parameters before exiting.~^OK 2209 44There is already a sound with that name. Do you want to replace it?~^Replace~Cancel 2210 34Cannot edit a locked item,do you wish to unlock it?~^Yes~No 2211 54This card is currently locked and cannot be edited. Do you wish to unlock this card?~^Yes~No 2212 34This button needs a shape, would you like to give it one now?~^Yes~No 2213 54This stack must be saved before continuing.~^Save~Cancel 2214 24Error in loading animation.~^OK 2215 34Unable to complete this button.\nThe disk was locked.~^OK 2216 34Unable to complete this button.\nThe disk was full.~^OK 2217 54There are buttons connected to this card.\nDo you want to delete them also?~^Cancel~No ~Yes 2218 54Before this step can be completed this stack must be named and saved.~^Give stack a name~Cancel Operation 2219 44You are about to delete an entire card, are you sure this is what you want to do?~^No~Yes 2220 54This disk/file is locked.Unable to save important information.Please unlock disk/file and click 'OK'~^OK~Cancel 2221 74This stack cannot be loaded by this version of HyperStudio.\nContact Roger Wagner Publishing for update information.~^OK 2222 64Sorry, I can't open this stack because it was saved with an older version of HyperStudio.\nI should be able to open it if you load and save it with the latest Macintosh version.~^OK 2223 24Sorry, I can't find that card.~^OK 2224 34Not enough memory available to complete this operation.~^OK 2225 44HyperStudio is running very low on memory.~^OK 2226 44Network version of HyperStudio is required.~^OK 2228 24Unable to read this TIFF file.~^OK 2229 03This stack was changed, do you want to save it?~Save~Cancel~Don't Save 2230 34Not enough memory to save this background.~^OK 2231 44Sorry, this field is full. Text fields can only hold about 30,000 characters.~^OK 2232 44Sorry, there are no icons in this file,\ntry another.~^OK 2233 44Sorry, there are no icons in this file, try another.~^OK 2234 44Sorry, there are no sounds in this file,try another.~^OK 2235 44Sorry, some kind of error has occurred.~^OK 2236 54Cannot open the resource fork of this stack,this stack may not operate correctly.~^OK 2237 44An error has occurred during printing.~^OK 2238 64HyperStudio is running very low on memory,some new edited text may have been lost on this,or the last viewed card.~^OK 2239 54Some kind of error has prevented HyperStudio from saving this graphic file.~^OK 2240 54This picture is a different size than the card, do you want to re-size it so that it fits?~Yes~No 2241 44Sorry, there are no NBAs in this file, try another.~^OK 2242 44Sorry, I haven't seen any marked cards yet.~^OK 2243 54Because we were unable to return to this button's original stack it must be canceled.~^OK 2244 44Sorry, I can only convert stacks created with HyperStudio version 3.0 or later.~^OK 2245 44Sorry, I can't run this movie, you don't have QuickTime or Video for Windows.~^OK 2246 54Would you like to get the picture from a disk file or the video digitizer?~^ Disk file ~Cancel~Video 2247 53Not enough memory to make this command undoable, do you wish to continue anyway?~^Yes~No 2248 54I could not find a video source, if you want to try again you must hold down the option key.~^OK 2249 54A movie or video already exists on this card. Do you want to delete or edit it?~^Edit~Delete ~Cancel 2250 44Your button's shape has been defined.~OK~Try Again 2251 44The button you defined was too small.~^Try Again~Cancel 2252 44You did not enter a valid name, please try again.~^OK 2253 84You did not enter a valid serial number, please try again.Serial numbers contain 15 characters. You can use the tab key to move to the serial number field.~^OK 2254 43Unable to save user information. Please make sure the disk is online and unlocked.~^OK 2255 64Sorry, this version of HyperStudio can't load this kind of sound (the sound is either stereo or 16 bit).\nWhen you receive your free update try it again.~^Sorry 2256 64Sorry, this version of HyperStudio can't load black and white stacks.\nPlease convert this stack to 256 colors with the Macintosh version and try again.~^Sorry 2257 54This card is currently locked and can't be edited.\nDo you want to unlock it?~^Yes~No 2258 53HyperStudio is running very low on memory.\nYou should save any changes and restart HyperStudio.~^OK 2259 04There is not enough memory to change to that many colors.~^OK 2260 84This movie uses more colors than your stack currently has, so it might run a little slow. Would you like me to create a faster version of the movie on your disk?~Yes~^No 2261 04Sorry, I could not copy the NBA to the NBAs folder.~^OK 2262 04NBAs must be in HyperStudio's NBAs folder, would you like me to move this file for you?~^OK~Cancel 2263 34This button needs a shape, please give it one now.~OK 2264 44Sorry, there isn't enough space left on this disk to save this file.~^OK 2265 34Sorry, I can't save the file because this disk is locked.~^OK 2266 84Sorry, no more cards can be added because this is the demonstration version of HyperStudio. Contact Roger Wagner Publishing at 1-800-HYPERSTUDIO for ordering information~^OK 2267 83The stack you are about to save is only one card from the Tip of stack. You probably don't want to save it over your Tip stack. You can cancel now or go on and give the stack a name (you can cancel there also).~^Cancel~Continue 2268 34I'm sorry, I can't load this file because it is not a stack.~^OK 2269 53Alas, poor HyperStudio I knew him well. Sorry, HyperStudio could not get enough memory to display a card, and so must quit.~^Anon 2270 53HyperStudio no longer has enough memory to undo painting, delete painted text, or save changes to backgrounds.~^OK 2271 21Sorry, HyperStudio needs system 6.0.7 or better to run.~^OK 2272 54Because of the error, HyperStudio was not able to load the entire stack. The stack's name was changed to protect the innocent.~^OK 2273 04The digitizer is not responding, please check the setup.~^OK 2274 04Sorry, you can't change a Window's system color.~^OK 2275 54This movie doesn't contain any pictures.It probably has some sound in it, which will play when your button is clicked.~^OK 2276 84~^OK 2277 84I'm sorry, I can't currently convert GS stacks on black and white machines. If you can, convert and save the stack on a color machine, then load it with this machine~^OK 2278 54I'm unable to find the LaserDisc Player, please:\n - Check player power.\n - Check connections.\n - Check player for disc.~^Try Again~Continue~Cancel 2279 84I've found a bad value in the stack.If you are working on this stack you should save it to a new name and then reload it. If this error occurs again, you should delete the card that causes this error and recreate it.~^OK 2280 84You've just created a new stack, it is called 'Untitled' and you are on the first card. You can now paint with the paint tools, add buttons and use 'New Card' to add more cards.~OK 2281 04The file you chose is already in use, so I could not open it.~^OK 2282 84This is a group card, erasing the background on this card will also erase the background on other cards in the group.\nYou could instead ungroup the card and then erase it.~^Ungroup and Erase~ Erase All ~Cancel 2283 84We hope you've enjoyed exploring HyperStudio.\nThe evaluation period for this copy has expired.\nPlease reinstall from the original disks or contact Roger Wagner Publishing to obtain a standard copy of HyperStudio.~^OK 2284 54It appears that the stack has become damaged. If you've made changes then you should save the stack to a new name, then try to reload it.~^OK 2285 84The image you are working with has become damaged. If you've made changes then you should save the stack to a new name, then quit HyperStudio and try again.~^OK 2286 34Sorry, there was problem opening the movie.~^OK 2287 04This item is currently locked and can't be edited. Do you want to unlock it?~^Yes~No 2288 54If you make this field transparent then it can't have a scroll bar or be scrollable.~^OK~Cancel 2289 84Automatic timers are not currently on. You normally turn them on using the 'Preferences' option under the Edit menu, but, if you like, I can turn them on for you right now.~^OK, turn them on~Don't turn them on now 2290 64You'll lose all text contained in this field from other cards if you make this field a non-group item.\nAre you sure you want to do this?~^Yes, ungroup it~No 2291 54The video digitizer does not work with your monitor or its current setting. You might need to change to a stack with more colors.~^OK 2292 54Sorry, I could not find the file: Samples.stk.I won't be able to display any samples for you.~^OK 2293 54Do you want to add a movie, live video feed or a laserdisc sequence?~^Movie~Laserdisc sequence~Live Video 2294 74In your new stack do you want the same card size as in the current stack?~^Yes~No 2295 44Sorry, your card size must be at least %d wide and %d high.~^OK 2296 84The card size and number of colors you chose require more memory than HyperStudio currently has. You can either reduce the card size and number of colors, or change the amount of memory available to HyperStudio from the Finder.~^OK 2297 84The button you are copying contains a commercial NBA. While you can use it in this stack, if you paste the button into another stack the NBA will not be copied.~^OK 2298 84Your printer port is currently being used (probably by AppleTalk), so I can't control the LaserDisc player. Please make sure the printer port is available and restart HyperStudio.~^OK 2299 54Sorry, the serial port selected for the laserdisc player is in use. Please unuse it and restart HyperStudio.~^OK 2300 04Sorry, you can't save this file over an existing stack. Please give the file a new name or save it in a different folder.~^OK 2301 04Sorry, you can't use zero as a scale factor.~^OK 2302 54You picked a card size that is bigger than your screen, are you sure this is what you want?~^OK~Cancel 2303 84You just added the twentieth card to this stack,\nI'm glad you like working with HyperStudio so much!\nYou might want to start thinking about organizing your project into multiple stacks to make it easier to work with.(Just a nosy suggestion!)~^OK 2304 54A reminder: \nBecause you chose 'Hide Objects' in the Options menu, any new objects you create will not be visible until you choose 'Show Objects'. Do you want me to do that for you now?~^OK~No, I like my objects hidden 2305 02Because of an error,\nI wasn't able to read any cards from this stack.~^Sorry 2306 84The sound input is currently set to the CD player. To record from the microphone you need to change the sound input settings.\nWould you like to do that now?~^Yes~No 2307 94HyperStudio can no longer continue because of an error. You might be given a chance to save any changes you have made. The stack you save may be damaged, so it is recommended that you save under a new name.~^OK 2308 54I don't think I have enough memory to convert the stack the way you would like it. You might try increasing the amount of memory available to HyperStudio.~^OK 2309 44Sorry, I can't play this kind of sound file.~^OK 2310 34Sorry, I wasn't able to load that Ready Made Card.~^OK 2311 54This is a group item. If you delete it now it will be deleted on all cards in the group. Are you sure you want to delete it?~^Yes, delete it~No 2312 44Sorry, this stack is already being used by someone else.~^OK 2313 54You didn't select anything from the picture. Please select a part of the picture or click the 'Cancel' button if you want to exit.~^OK 2314 34Use the pencil to draw the boundaries of the button~^OK~Cancel 2315 54Point and click inside the graphic associated with the button (this may take a minute).~^OK~Cancel 2316 04Use the lasso to encircle the graphic associated with the button~^OK~Cancel 2317 94This copy of HyperStudio is not set up to be shared on a network. If you want to use the Extra Manager now click 'OK'. If you cancel then you won't be able to use the Extra Manager.~^OK~Cancel 2318 04Do you want to turn the selected part of the screen into a graphic object?~^Yes~No 2319 84Because this stack is locked, you won't be able to save changes you make to this file.\nYou can use the 'Save Stack As' command to save the changes to a different file.~^OK 2320 94There is not enough memory to load this stack unless I use some system memory. If I use system memory there might be ~^Yes, load stack~No, don't load stack 2321 04I can't find enough memory to load your stack.~^OK 2322 04Sorry, I can't load this type of PCX file.~^OK 2323 04Sorry, There don't seem to be any pictures in the camera.~^OK 2324 04Sorry, I can't connect to the camera.\nMake sure it's connected properly and turned on.~^OK 2325 04Sorry, this does not seem to be a GIF file.~^OK 2326 04Sorry, HyperStudio can't read this JPEG file.~^OK 2327 34The file already exists. Do you want to replace it?~Yes~^No 2328 80Where do you want your button on the screen?\n\nIn a moment, you'll see your button.When you do, use the mouse to drag it to the position you want.\n\nClick outside your button when it's placed where you want it.~^OK 2329 04Sorry, problems loading camera picture.~^OK 2330 33Are you sure you want to delete this Extra?~OK~^Cancel 2331 33Are you sure you want to delete this link?~^No~Yes, delete it. 2332 64You already have a global link by that name. Do you want to replace it?~^No~Yes, replace it. 2333 94One or more of the links you defined has no action (indicated by italics).\n\nTo assign an action to a link, select it and click the Actions button.\n\nDo you want to leave these unassigned?~^No~Yes, leave unassigned. 2334 64The stack's card size must be at least %d wide and %d high. Do you want to convert it to the minimum size?~^Yes~No 2335 43You already have recorded a movie. Do you want to replace it?~Yes, replace it.~^No 2336 34Sorry, there was a problem opening the video capture device.~^OK 2337 34Sorry, there was a problem initializing the laser player.~^OK 2338 44No card area was captured for animation.~Try Again~Cancel 2339 84This stack was converted to support new features.\nIf you replace the original it will no longer work with earlier versions of HyperStudio.\nDo you want to replace the original?~^No, change name~Replace~Cancel 2340 64HyperStudio had to change the number of colors in this stack to display it. Do you want to save this changed stack to a different name or replace the original?~^Change name~Save over original~Cancel 2341 44Sorry, this version of HyperStudio can't edit old frame animations.~^OK 2342 04Sorry, HyperStudio can't read this graphics file.~^OK 2343 44Sorry, I can't run this movie, you don't have QuickTime VR component installed.~^OK 2344 44Sorry, I was not able to launch the requested application.~^OK 2345 44Sorry, the background cannot be saved in this type of file with the current display resolution.~OK 2346 0To play an animation, follow these easy steps:\n 2347 0 1) Select your animation from the stack or files. The selection tools work only with the stack. 2348 0 2) If necessary, clip file animations from the surrounding image in the clipart window. 2349 0 3) Position animation using the mouse and drag to record a path. Release mouse to stop recording. 2350 0 4) Set animation and path options using the dialogs.\n 2351 0Got all that? It's not as hard as it sounds. 2352 04Sorry, you can only save sounds as .wav files. Please give the file a name with .wav extension.~^OK 2353 23You have changed the display mode, so HyperStudio may not behave correctly. Please restart if things get too weird.~^OK 2360 1Where do you want your graphic object on the screen?\n 2361 1In a moment, you'll see your picture in a small window. 2362 1You can then drag it around to put it where you want it.\n 2363 1Click outside the window when it's where you want it.\n 2364 1Note: Graphic OBJECTS are different from clip art. 2365 0 A graphic object floats over the background, 2366 0 while clip art becomes part of the background.\n 2367 1Press the "Cancel" button if you meant to use clip art. 2370 1Where do you want your text object on the screen?\n 2371 1In a moment, you'll see a rectangle that represents your text object. 2372 1You can then drag it to the position you want.\n\n 2373 1The size of the text object can be changed by dragging the corners.\n\n 2374 1Click outside the rectangle when it's where you want it. 2380 1Where on the screen do you want to place your movie?\n 2381 1In a moment, you'll see your movie. When you do, use the 2382 1mouse to drag it to the position you want.\n 2383 1The size of the movie can be changed by dragging the corners, 2384 1although it will probably play better at it's original size.\n 2385 1Click outside the movie when it's placed where you want it. 2401 Please name this Stack 2402 Please name this Sound 2403 Please name this Screen 2404 Please name this Text file 2405 Please select a stack 2406 Please select a sound file 2407 Please select a picture file 2408 Please select a text file 2409 Please select a movie file 2410 Please select an application file 2411 Please select an icon file 2412 Please select an NBA file 2413 Please find the stack named: 2414 Please find the sound named: 2415 Please find the picture named: 2416 Please find the text file named: 2417 Please find the movie named: 2418 Please find the application: 2419 Please select a document to launch 2420 Please name this Movie 2501 Home.Stack 2502 Untitled 2503 Level 2504 Volume 2505 ××× Recording ××× 2506 Click mouse or press a 2507 key to stop recording. 2508 TipODay.stk 2509 Stack Info for 2510 Save new movie file as: 2511 (faster) 2512 Zero 2513 K 2514 bytes 2515 Imagination is more important than knowledge.\n - Albert Einstein 2516 (partial) 2517 (converted) 2518 Sound 2519 Text 2520 Pict 2521 - Card 2522 RdyMCard 2523 HyperStudio Preferences 2524 Unknown Font? 2525 Image 2526 ExtraIDs 2527 Extra Utility: 2528 Extras *.* 2529 *.xtr 2530 Filters 2601 Clip Art 2602 Graphic Objects 2603 Animation 2610 HSTest.txt 2611 SCORE 2612 -END- 2620 Click Mouse to\nstop recording 2621 Click Mouse to\nstop playback 2650 HSArt\ 2651 HSSounds\ 2652 Movies\ 2653 NBAs\ 2654 MyStacks\ 2655 HyperStudio Player 2.0 2656 Extras\ 2657 HSAnim\ 2658 Plugins\ 2680 02Sorry, an I/O error has occurred, this could mean that there is a problem with your disk.~^OK 2681 32Resource not found.~^OK 2682 02Sorry, I was unable to add either a sound, icon, NBA or picture to this stack.~^OK 2683 42Sorry, there is not enough memory (RAM) to complete this operation.~^OK 2684 42Sorry, the directory on the disk is full, try saving in another folder or disk.~^OK 2685 22Sorry, this disk is full, try saving on another disk.~^OK 2686 22Sorry, the name you gave is not allowed, try another.~^OK 2687 32Sorry, this disk is write protected.~^OK 2689 32Sorry, changes could not be saved because the disk is locked.~^OK 2690 42Sorry, changes could not be saved because the file is already being used.~^OK 2691 42Sorry, you do not have access to this file.~^OK 2692 32Sorry, this is not a Macintosh disk.~^OK 2693 02Sorry, you do not have the access to make changes to this file, or the file is locked.~^OK 2701 Undo 2702 Painting 2703 Graphic move 2704 Stretching 2705 Flip Upside Down 2706 Flip Sideways 2707 Card move 2708 Object move 2709 Deletion 2710 Color changes 2711 Deletion 2712 Painting 2713 Deselection 2714 Ctrl+Z 2715 Graphic edit 2716 Button edit 2717 Text edit 2718 Scale and rotate 2719 Cookie cutter 2720 Scale 2721 Gradient 2722 Filter 2750 Left to right 2751 Right to left 2752 Fastest 2753 Bottom to top 2754 Top to bottom 2755 Fade to black 2756 Fade to white 2757 Blocks 2758 Diagonal right 2759 Diagonal left 2760 Blinds 2761 Bars 2762 Rain 2763 Dissolve 2764 Barn open 2765 Barn close 2766 Iris close 2767 Iris open 2768 Mouth close 2769 Mouth open 2770 Diamond dissolve 2771 Bow ties 2772 Razor right 2773 Razor left 2774 Zoom out 2775 Zoom in 2776 Fade to button color 2777 Write Files(*.TXT)|*.txt| 2800 Edit this Object... 2801 Edit this Button... 2802 Edit This Graphic... 2803 Edit this Text Object... 3000 Transitions 3001 Hide Item Transitions 3002 Show Item Transitions 4000 New Button 4001 He who has learning 4002 without imagination has 4003 feet but no wings. 4004 - Stanley Goldstein 4005 Left 4006 Center 4007 Right 4008 Font lookup failure 4009 Sounds 4010 CutOutBitmap: no more DCs 4011 CutOutBtmap: failed to create bitmap 4012 CutOutBtmap: failed to create bitmap 4013 CutOutBtmap: failed to create bitmap 4014 Cut Ctrl+X 4015 Copy Ctrl+C 4016 Clear Del 4017 Cut 4018 Copy 4019 Clear 4020 Paste Ctrl+V 4021 Paste 4022 Scale 4023 Hide Objects 4024 Show Objects 4025 HyperStudio currently requires that your computer be set to 8, 16 or 24 bit color. 4026 Button 4027 Graphic 4028 Text Field 4029 InitDataBase: failed to create DC 4030 InitDataBase: insufficient ram for screen bitmap 4033 CreateClipRegion: CombineRgn failed 4034 Pictures *.bmp;*.pcx;*.gif;*.jpg;*.tif;*.pic;*.tga;*.bif 4035 Icons (*.ICO) 4036 Not enough memory to perform operation 4037 Failed in LassoDragProc 4038 Animation 4039 Clip Art 4040 Graphic Objects 4041 Untitled 4042 text field 4043 button 4044 graphic 4045 card 4046 text 4047 Text (*.TXT) 4048 LaserDisc Control 4049 No Timers Left! 4050 &Stereo 4051 &Left 4052 &Right 4053 &Silent 4054 &Chap 4055 Time 4056 &Frame 4057 Step 4058 Scan 4059 Generic Error 4060 Lock Failed 4061 Alloc Failed 4062 ERROR 4063 I'm unable to find the LaserDisc Player, please: 4064 - Check player power and connections. 4065 - Turn off any FAX or modem software. 4066 - Check player for disc (and start spinning). 4067 Couldn't resize MemRefs 4068 GetHandle Failed 4069 Printing text... 4070 Stacks (*.STK) 4071 button 4072 graphic 4073 text field 4074 SaveImageRect: failed to create DC 4075 SaveImageRect: no ram for bitmap 4076 ImageRectToDC: failed to create DC 4077 FileEditMoveToolsObjects 4078 File Edit Move Tools Objects 4079 Error 4080 Cant create palette 4081 Applications (*.exe) 4082 Any File (*.*) 4083 Applications (*.exe) 4084 Unrecognized graphic type 4085 Sorry, HyperStudio could not load this file 4086 Not enough memory to load image 4087 Internal failure in SaveGfile 4088 File write failed 4089 Pictures 4090 *.bmp;*.pcx;*.gif;*.jpg;*.tif;*.pic;*.tga;*.bif 4091 BMP Files (*.bmp) 4092 *.bmp 4093 PCX Files (*.pcx) 4094 *.pcx 4095 GIF Files (*.gif) 4096 *.gif 4097 JPEG Files (*.jpg) 4098 *.jpg 4099 TIFF Files (*.tif) 4100 *.tif 4101 PICT Files (*.pic) 4102 *.pic 4103 TGA Files (*.tga) 4104 *.tga 4105 FileEditMove 4106 File Edit Move 4107 NBA Files 4108 Not enough memory to perform operation 4109 Hyperstudio Stacks 4110 *.stk 4111 Pictures 4112 *.bmp;*.pcx;*.gif;*.jpg;*.tif;*.pic;*.tga;*.bif 4113 Text Files 4114 *.txt 4115 Sound Files 4116 *.wav 4117 Text Files (*.txt) 4118 Stacks (*.STK) 4119 MacWidth < DIB width 4120 Replace 4121 Exchange 4122 HyperStudio Sample Text 4123 Text Files (*.txt) 4124 *.txt 4125 All Files (*.*) 4126 *.* 4127 Failure in UNDO.C 4128 Freeze 4129 Play 4130 Capture File Creation Error 4131 Unable to create capture file: 4132 HyperStudio Error 4133 CreateCursorBitmaps: no XOR bitmap room 4134 Hyperstudio has run out of RAM memory 4136 Failed to open sound file 4137 WAVE file is corrupted: No WAVE chunk 4138 WAVE file is corrupted: no fmt chunk 4139 WAVE file is corrupted: no data chunk 4140 Failed to read format chunk 4141 File is not a PCM file 4142 Sorry, I can't play any sounds.\nMake sure your sound board is connected. 4143 Failed to open waveform output device 4144 Hyperstudio has run out of RAM memory 4145 Failed to send sound to device 4146 Failed to create RIFF chunk 4147 Failed to create fmt chunk 4148 Failed to ascend out of block 4149 Failed to create data chunk 4150 Sounds (*.WAV, *.AIF, *.AU) 4151 *** Recording *** 4152 Click mouse or press 4153 key to stop recording 4154 Not supported 4155 Recording in WAVE PCM not supported on your system. 4156 Could not mmioAscend. 4157 Failed to register class: 4158 Scale and Rotate 4159 Movies 4160 *.avi;*.mov 4161 QuickTime 4162 *.mov 4163 Video for Windows 4164 *.avi 4165 Top 4166 Bottom 4167 Left 4168 Right 4169 Inside 4170 Outside 4171 Movie Files 4172 *.avi 4173 &Eject 4174 St&art 4175 HyperStudio currently requires that your computer be set to 256 colors. Close any other 4176 applications that are running. Then select YES to reconfigure your machine. 4177 Do you want Hyperstudio to restore your computer to its original video settings? 4178 High Color (16 bit) 4179 True Color (24 bit) 4180 256 Color 4181 Hyperstudio_data 4203 BIF Files (*.bif) 4204 *.bif 62848 02Sorry, this file is locked.~^OK